
Decor ideas and gifts

Category Archives: Gift ideas

Don’t be clueless…every woman loves

GUYS are you clueless as to what present you should buy for your partner, wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter?   Don’t be stuck or leave it to the last minute and buy her the wrong thing.   We know every woman loves jewellery and we’re here to help.  Just give us your budget and we will e-mail you a selection of …

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Jewellery for that special occasion

Decorizeme understands that women want jewellery that expresses their individuality.   Women want quality jewellery that is not mass-produced and found in every other shop or boutique on the Islands.  Women who adore jewellery want one of a kind pieces crafted with TLC. All this and more can be found at Decorizeme.   So, be sure to join and …

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You’re invited

Beautiful items for sale during Open Day/Garden Party.  Bring your friends along and enjoy.   Be sure to like the decorizeme page on facebook where jewelry items can be viewed. Take care, Miriam

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Hot jewelry this season

What jewelry colours and styles are ‘hot’ for autumn 2012 – winter 2013?   Well the colour pallet is versatile since it includes earthy tones such as neutral colours, oranges (especially tangerine), yellows and browns.  Blues hues, especially cobalt blue is very popular and black and grey coloured jewelry are other favourites this season. Jewelry made of soft …

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Vintage is back

The last two weeks have been dedicated to a different kind of research than I normally engage in.  I’ve left my sociology books aside and started to research products, mostly jewelry.  Being the passionate person that I am, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time looking at a variety of designs, reading and learning about …

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Say it with flowers and say it often

Hi, I often see facebook friends posting pictures of bouquets of flowers they received from their husbands, partners or boyfriends.  Women usually refer to their ‘other half’ as being sweet, wonderful, super, great or any other adjective along these lines. Those of us who don’t receive flowers often and who absolutely adore flowers – well …

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Playing dress up and vintage jewellery

As children my sister and I used to spend hours playing in our large wooden shed doll house at the back of our very large garden.   As many young girls do, we used to play ‘dress up’ by ‘borrowing’ our mother’s pieces of material (since she used to sew at the time), wrapping them around our bodies, and with the help …

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A sample of what’s to come

This part of the blog will feature beautiful gift ideas for sale.  Items will include vintage jewelry, china, paper and tin boxes, lanterns, candle holders, trays, small decorations, artwork and much much more. Here is a sample of the kind of merchandise for sale at really affordable prices.   Happy Sunday.                         Miriam

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christina borrotto

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